Saturday, 30 October 2010

Trick or Treat?!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Happy Halloween :)

P.S. How cool is this pumpkin?

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Time to Smile - #41-45

Title: Time to Smile #41-45
Weekly Post Day: Wednesday
Details: This is my weekly wednesday post which will feature five things each week which I love, make me happy or make me smile. Mostly all three!
Hope you enjoy :)
(You can find the others in the sidebar)

41. concerts

42. birthday parties

43. the thought of that one person actually walking
 around somewhere now

44. singers that give you goosebumps when they sing

45. marmite on toast hehe :)

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

i would love...

... to be able to buy a property in Italy
 when I am older

Monday, 25 October 2010

On the Mend :)

Yes, it's only been a day since I told you all that I wasn't feeling at my best. And, thank you for the get well messages that some of yous wrote on that post. I am glad to say that after visiting the doctor's this morning, I do not actually have tonsillitis. However, I do have a really bad throat infection but with extra symptoms seen in tonsillitis.

After being given a prescription for antibiotics, I would definitely say that I am back on the mend. This also means that I am sure to be well enough to go to shopping at to the cinema with my friends to see 'Easy A' on wedneday - which I am looking forward to a lot! Have a lovely Monday :)

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Under the Weather :(

Sorry for my absence since last Wednesday. From Friday onwards I have been feeling a little under the weather and I'm off to the doctors tomorrow. My mam (who's a nurse) thinks it might be tonsillitis as she has looked at my tonsils and lets just say for shortness that they aren't looking how they should be.

With the help of painkillers every 4 hours, I managed to do some retail therapy with my mam and managed to spend around £150 on clothes, but I won't get some of them until my Birthday/Xmas :( I know that seems a long time away and a bit early to be getting Christmas and birthday things (my birthday is also in December) but my mam is working a lot until Christmas and this was probably our best opportunity as my six year old twin brothers were at my cousins. Much, much less hassle.

Anyway this was just a quick update and to say I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and the next week for me is half-term so I'll be off school but I hope you enjoy your week too! :)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Time to Smile - #36-40

Title: Time to Smile #36-40
Weekly Post Day: Wednesday
Details: This is my weekly wednesday post which will feature five things each week which I love, make me happy or make me smile. Mostly all three!
Hope you enjoy :)
(You can find the others in the sidebar)

36. presents

 37. nice comments on my blog :)

38. catching up with friends you havn't spoke to
in ages

39. jokes that are actually funny

40. being able to 'cross' it off your to-do list!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Take Another Look.

Morning wake ups.

When your older and are with a new boyfriend, do you ever worry about waking up in the morning and just looking like a complete mess?! Or at the beginning of your relationship did you?

It's no surprise that people including myself, definitely myself, don't exactly look their best when they wake up. I have to say I love the shop Superdrug that sells health and beauty whatnot etc. and their new advert Take Another Look with the hilarious Joanna Page is actually pretty great. Wouldn't it be such a relief if we could do this every morning before you felt totally comfortable around your new guy.

I know you are obviously supposed to feel comfortable around them but you don't want to put them off straight away, do you? :)
And, it's nice to see him make an effort too. Take a look...

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Time to Smile - #31-35

Title: Time to Smile #31-35
Weekly Post Day: Wednesday
Details: This is my weekly wednesday post which will feature five things each week which I love, make me happy or make me smile. Mostly all three!
Hope you enjoy :)
(You can find the others in the sidebar)

31. autumn leaves


32. snowball fights

33. sunsets

34. dreams you don't want to end

35. the thought of travelling the world

Monday, 11 October 2010

i would love...

...for one day be able to travel the world

Sunday, 10 October 2010


I've been quite busy for the past couple of weeks and I haven't written a post about myself, or something that I have done for a while. Apart from my weekly Wednesday posts and a few random others, there hasn't been anything else happening.

So, yesterday me and a few friends went off to the Metro Centre (our local shopping centre) and went to the cinema to watch The Death & Life of Charlie St. Cloud. I was really looking forward to watching the film as I have also read the book by Ben Sherwood. It was kinda nice knowing what was going to happen when nobody else did but the ending of the film was a little different so that was a nice surprise. I love reading books and I read this particular book whilst on holiday back in June. I enjoyed it but it wasn't the best book I have ever read. It made a change from the usual genres of books I normally read so I do recommend it. I won't say anymore in case you are planning to go and see the film yourself. Are you or have you already?

After the film finished me and my friend Sarah went around the Metro Centre to go shopping and get a few things. As we are both bookworms (!) we of course ended up in the book store Waterstones before we even got to the shops we needed to. Lets just say I love buying books but because I have just bought five books of Amazon and the collection of Jane Austen novels from Amazon the other day, I forbid myself from buying any more because firstly: I havn't read any of them yet and secondly: I need to finish the final book of the trilogy books by Stieg Larsson. I am finally onto the final one called The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. Although I am yet to finish the final book I can already recommend you to read the books - they are brilliant and you do not want to put them down!

Yes, I know this post is turning into a declaration of love for books and it was supposed to be about yesterday so I will carry on from the book store where I found lots of books that me and friend both want to read. After we finished our shopping we went to the bus station and met another of our friends (who didn't actually come with us but with someone else) and we had a good old gossip!

It was great to finally go out and enjoy some time with friends, watch a good film and do some shopping especially as the weather turns colder! I'm sure there will be lots more trips to do some shopping in the next few months as Christmas rapidly arrives. Apart from going out shopping, I love to stay in and the colder days with a good book or film with of course a hot chocolate!
What's your favourite thing to do when the autumn and winter arrives?

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Time to Smile - #26-30

Title: Time to Smile #26-30
Weekly Post Day: Wednesday
Details: This is my weekly wednesday post which will feature five things each week which I love, make me happy or make me smile. Mostly all three!
Hope you enjoy :)
(You can find the others in the sidebar)

26. the day you don't want to end

27. sunny days

28. lying on a beach abroad

29. walks in the country

30. catching someone's smile

Monday, 4 October 2010


Inspiration. Hope this inspires everyone. For me it definitly has and some of the inspirations below have been relevant to my day today.
Forgiven not Forgotten comes to mind.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Your The One That I Want...

These two videos below are two of my favourite songs at the minute. They are both about the girl they like, never needing to change because they say to them I love you Just The Way You Are and know that they are One In A Million. The videos (especially Ne-Yo's) may be a little cheesy but I still love them because I think they're really sweet.
Doesn't every girl want that boy to say all this about them. Loving not only the good bits but all the imperfetions too! Enjoy and please comment :)

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

 Ne-Yo - One In A Million