Friday 20 May 2011

I've Realised....

... That I am a bit of a Blogger Binger. Confused? I'll explain.

I've noticed that I go through phases of blogging all the time and then not blogging for days. For example, this week I posted on Monday and now this post is on Friday. I like to blog more! But I just don't have any ideas/ inspiration at the moment - as it's all exams, revision, exams, revision. Aghh! Then, when I did my recent 15 day challenge, I blogged every day and then had loads of posts after, which I had decided to do whilst completing the challenge. Therefore, in my eyes I am a blogger binger. (pronounced binge but with an r)

I would post about my daily musings, but to be quite honest, they're not that interesting - it's all school, exams, revision, school, exams - get where I'm coming from yet? I'm sitting my final GCSE's in May and June and the stressful thing is - I'm stressed about NOT being stressed.

Anyway, this is my little rant for today. I've noticed I don't talk that negatively on my blog that much as it's all about being positive and not letting things get to you, right? Or else I would be posting some pretty boring stuff and you would be sick and tired of the rants and things that annoy me, haha. I am off to see Pirates of the Caribbean tomorrow - so a post idea here? I think so. Even though this is off topic - in regards to the book I'm reading in the sidebar, things have been haltered from getting into the book due to revision. I hope to be able to finish it soon but I'm finding it quite hard to get stuck into it but I'll give it al little more time :)

 Hopefully, I'll be posting normally again next week (I like to post at least four times a week) and I hope you all have a great weekend. What are you all up to?


  1. Oh, I'm the same way; I'm extremely inconsistent. I can go a whole few weeks with no posts, and then post almost every day for another couple weeks. I've run out of things to say though, so I feel like another few weeks of almost no posts is coming.

    I've just discovered your blog and I love it so I'm following! Can't wait to see your future posts :)

  2. i would love to blog more as well! i have no idea why i don't feel up to it that much these days.
    everyone likes to hear a bit about daily musings. but maybe you could do something like a 'weekly musings' thing? a mix of all the interesting stuff your mind has been on everyday of the week.
    good luck with finishing the book quickly! i'm always on an edge whenever i have a book to finish but don't have the time to. :O

  3. Anna, thank you for following - and loving my blog! That means a lot. I hope you are able to find some posts to do too :)

    Furree Katt, I feel exactly the same. I might try doing something like that soon - who knows? I'm definitely going to post about what I've done in the week a little more!

  4. I think I am the same way with blogging. When I'm bogged down with school or work, that comes first! Maybe someday we'll both get better!


thank you! your lovely comments always put a smile on my face :)