Saturday 23 July 2011

It's A Beautiful Night, We're Looking For Something Dumb To Do

Pretty happy right now! The sun is shining, I spent three days solid trying to fix my iPod and eventually I did it = long story! and I have nothing to do so I'm free, free, free :) I'll be back tomorrow/ the day after with a new Destination Love post and hopefully will have some interesting things to post next week or it may just be some more of my boring day to day life. My nineteen year old brother is obviously still drunk from going to town last night as we were in my room and he spilt his glass of water and the ice cubes bloody everywhere! So that ended with me having a very wet floor and bed and us both in hysterics. And just this minute, his friend has just fell up the stairs. Guess what? They're going out tonight as well so they'll be even more mortal than they already are!


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thank you! your lovely comments always put a smile on my face :)